Faculty members

Professor, Graduate School of Science, Department of Physics and Astronomy, Kyoto University
角五 彰
Born in Tokyo, Prof. Kakugo was interested in things that move beautifully like flocks of birds, schools of fish and swarm of bees. After graduating from Sakura High School in Chiba Prefecture, he entered Hokkaido University. He found biomolecular motors’ involvement in cell movement and muscle contraction, then conducted research on the mechanism of converting chemical energy into kinetic energy. In his master and doctor courses at the university, he developed the world’s smallest power unit driven by chemical energy with biomolecular motors. He was inaugurated as Associate Professor of Hokkaido University Graduate School of Science in 2011. Currently, he focuses on establishing biomolecular motors as “Active matter” and explore their emergent functions. From 2022, he was appointed as a Professor in the Graduate School of Science, Department of Physics and Astronomy, Kyoto University. As for his major awards, he received the Young Researcher Award for Science and Technology Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology in 2012, the Academic Award for Polymer Science in 2016 and HFSP (Human Frontier Science Program) Research Grants Award in 2021.
Associate Professor, Graduate School of Science, Department of Physics and Astronomy, Kyoto University
川又 生吹
Inspired by the multi-scale hierarchy of various systems such as biochemical reactions and electric computers, Dr. Kawamata is interested in understanding and designing complex systems with designed interactions among molecular-level components, which eventually show an emergence of intelligent behavior. He has multidisciplinary experiences ranging from Physics, Chemistry, Computer Science, Robotics, and Biology. First, he studied at the University of Tokyo and receive a Ph.D from the Department of Computer Science, School of Information Science and Technology. There, he learned a theoretical aspect of programming chemical reaction networks made of biomolecules. In 2014, he moved to the Department of Robotics, School of Engineering at Tohoku University, and worked on experimentally assembling robot-like biomolecular systems. For example, he has developed mechanical nanostructures, reaction-diffusion systems, and biomolecular computers. He also had a chance to learn Biophysics during his visit to the Technical University of Munich in Germany. To disseminate the fundamental methodology of his research, he wrote a Japanese book about DNA origami, which is an intriguing emergent nanotechnology using DNA as a building material for molecular architectures. From 2023, he joined the Active Matter Lab in the Department of Physics, School of Science at Kyoto University.
Web pageResearchGateResearch MapLecturer, Graduate School of Science, Department of Physics and Astronomy, Kyoto University
市川 正敏
Masatoshi ICHIKAWA
Dr. Ichikawa’s research interests lie in Softmatter Physics, Nonlinear and Non-equilibrium Physics, and Biophysics. He has been affiliated with Kyoto University since his undergraduate years and obtained his Ph.D. in Physics. Following his graduation, he became an Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Sciences in Kyushu University. He moved back to Kyoto University in 2009 to become a faculty member in the Graduate School of Science, where he is currently affiliated. He now studies self-propelled motion of a living cell and a non-living object, e.g., revealing the mechanism of how simple self-propelled objects obtain diversity of movement, and revealing that living micro-swimmers such as microorganisms utilize hydrodynamics and physics for their survival strategies.
Web page (jp)ResearchGateresearchmap
Assistant Professor, Graduate School of Science, Department of Physics and Astronomy, Kyoto University
谷 茉莉
Marie TANI
Dr. Tani obtained her Ph.D in Physics from Ochanomizu University, and worked as a postdoctoral fellow at PMMH-ESPCI and Ritsumeikan University, respectively. She then became an assistant professor at Department of Physics, Faculty of Science in Tokyo Metropolitan University in 2018. In 2023, she joined the team as an assistant professor. She has been fascinated by a world full of beautiful forms and phenomena, observed in everyday life, that can be explained by simple physics. In particular, she works on the dynamics of soft and deformable matters, such as liquids, droplets, elastomers, foams and granular materials, and active matters.
Web pageResearchGateResearch Mapvideo (JP)video (EN)

Syeda Rubaiya NASRIN
JSPS Postdoctoral Research Fellow
Mechanobiology of Cytockeletal Proteins
I investigate the mechanical properties and functions of microtubules, a cytoskeletal protein by studying the effect of mechanical stress on them.
I love travelling
My home country is Bangladesh

中山 牧水
JSPS Postdoctoral Research Fellow
Nonequilibrium system
Nonequilibrium systemz.
I am interested in collective behaviors and swarm intelligences.
I love eating & cooking
My home country is Japan
Research assistants

Masahiro MAKUTA
幕田 将宏
Research Assistant
Biophysics, Activematter
Understanding how objects move in non-equilibrium system
JapaneseSAKE Sommelier
(comlpeted Sakeology Seminar 2022)
My home country is Japan

山本 寿子
Administrative Assistant/ Secretary
My home country is Japan

神代 栄理子
Technical Assistant
My home country is Japan

奥山 紘平
Doctoral Course Student (D3)
Active matter, Microswimmers
Collective motion
I love piano music
My home country is Japan

Yiming GONG
Doctoral Course Student (D2)
My home country is China

Chung Wing CHAN
陳 宗榮
Doctoral Course Student (D1)
I love music and traveling
My home country is Hong Kong

佐々木 望
Master Course Student (M2)
Biophysics, Activematter
I love music
My home country is Japan

大瀬良 勘太
Master Course Student (M1)
My home country is Japan

雀部 太陽
Master Course Student (M1)
My home country is Japan

松井 健安
Master Course Student (M1)
I enjoy badminton
My home country is Japan

Ryuhei ITOH
伊藤 龍平
Bachelor Course Student (B4)
I love music
My home country is Japan

Teofan KISHI
岸 汀和帆
Bachelor Course Student (B4)
I love driving and fixing my car
My home countries are Japan and Serbia

西川 友基
Bachelor Course Student (B4)
I love reading
My home country is Japan

服部 陽介
Bachelor Course Student (B4)
I enjoy gourmet experiences
My home country is Japan

東 蓮太朗
Bachelor Course Student (B4)
I love reading
My home country is Japan

廣瀬 了哉
Bachelor Course Student (B4)
I love manga and movies
My home country is Japan
Research Students

Isabelle Aiko SHIIBA
イザベル 愛子 椎葉
Fulbright Japan
Brandeis U Alma Mater