Invention of swarming molecular robots and its infinite possibilities
Presented at TEDxSapporo in 2018.
Paving the way is a scientist’s happiness
Presented at TEDxSapporo in 2022.
If we work together, the possibilities are infinite.
What molecular robots can do is also extremely limited. However, if various molecular robots are developed in the future and become a group, they may be able to demonstrate their unlimited power.
Designed reaction-diffusion system
We programmed an artificial pattern formation using DNA as a building block.
Self-propelled droplet
We unveiled the mechanism that controls the direction and speed of self-propelled droplets that can serve as microrobots for drug delivery.
Coiling of Soft Rod
We found that the morphology of the flexible string transitions from a tight coil to a looser helix when wrapped around a rotating cylinder.
In other words, a sensor that senses the environment, a processor that processes the information obtained, and a motor that receives commands from the processor and transforms them into motion.